Uhudun khalida min al-irth al-tarikhi fi-l-mu'ahidat

Uhudun khalida min al-irth al-tarikhi fi-l-mu'ahidat

Eternal Covenants From the Historical Legacy on Conventions

Salman Hamud Alshabib

Al-Kamel Verlag
Langue: arabe, anglais
1. Édition (2019)
gebunden, 300 pages
ISBN 9789922605296
Disponibilité: envoi immédiat
20.00 € 

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zweisprachige Ausgabe, Arabisch-Englisch

Hamurabi's Code of Laws, The Ten Commandments, The Constitution of Islamic State of Madina, Magna Carta, Charter of the United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations