Neue Importe

ISBN 9789933353414

Al-Sahr al-kabir

Big Magic

Elizabeth Gilbert - 2021

Al-Hayat al-ibda'iyya al-mutaharrara min al-khauf...
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Tafsilu Thanawi

Adaniya Shibli - 2017

auf Deutsch erschienen unter dem Titel "Eine Nebensache"...
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ISBN 9789933655525

Umm Mimi

Bilal Fadl - 2021

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ISBN 9782745140166

Sirr al-asrar fi-t-tibb wa-l-kiyiya'

Ibn Zakariya al-Razi -

Ibn Zakariya al-Razi gest. 313 H....
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ISBN 978-6-14425-955-9


Muna Yasir Khammash - 2016

Illustrationen Nadine Faghali...
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ISBN 978-614-03-2097-0

Andi khutta

Zina Faisal Zein - 2021

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ISBN 978-614-03-2185-4

Lastu wahidan

Rami Tawil - 2021

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ISBN 9789953686905

Mudhakirat min al-bait al-maiyit

(Aufzeichnungen aus einem Totenhaus)

Fjodor Dostojewski - 2014

Beschreibt das Leben in einem sibirischen Gefängnislager...
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ISBN 9789921723762

Rimbaud al-habashi

Haji Jabir - 2022

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction The Abyssinian Rimbaud is the untold story of a woman from the Harari people who was the companion of the nineteenth-century French poet Arthur Rimbaud during his final years in Ethiopia, although Rimbaud is silent about his lover in his letters to his mother....
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ISBN 9789776748811

Matahat al-abid

Muhammad Yusuf al-Gharbawi -

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Mu'jam al-amthal al-arabiyya

M.E.Sieny, N.M.Abdul-Aziz, M.A.Suleiman -

A Dictionary of Arabic Proverbs Arabic-Arabic...
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al-Usbah 3

Comix abtal khariqin misriyyah...
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Garaj 2 mamnu' al-wuquf

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ISBN 9789953897325

Ifrah ya qalbi

Alawiyya Sobh - 2023

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ISBN 9789921775563

Concerto Qurina Eduardo

Najwa Ben Shatwan - 2022

Shortlist Arab Booker 2023 A coming-of-age novel about a young girl in Libya, her extended family, and how their lives are affected by politics and war, in a narrative rich in characters and perspectives. She belongs to a family with Greek origins, an ethnic minority who have their own distinctive culture in multi-ethnic Libyan society....
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ISBN 978-9953-89-735-6

Tifla al-ra'ad

Ghada al-Khoury - 2023

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ISBN 9789922220574


Witold Gombrowicz - 2023

Kosmos, auf Deutsch auch unter dem Titel Indizien...
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ISBN 9789922220635

Qasr muntasaf al-lail

El palacio de la medianoche

Carlos Ruiz Zafón - 2023

Der Mitternachtspalast...
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ISBN 9789922220680


Les années

Annie Ernaux - 2023

Die Jahre...
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ISBN 9789922220710


Sinan Antoon - 2023

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ISBN 9789933354572

Ibtikar hadatha muta'addada di-l-islam

Hammadi al-Radisi - 2022

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ISBN 978-614-03-2237-0

Imra'a inda an-nafidha

Rami Tawil - 2023

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ISBN 978-614-01-3583-3

Qissa kharafiyya

Fairy Tale

Stephen King - 2023

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ISBN 978-614-060-150-6


Rima Saad - 2023

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ISBN 978-614-469-814-3

Ashiq al-kalimat

Nizar Qabbani - 2023

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ISBN 978-614-469-816-7

La shay' ila al-ishq

Nizar Qabbani - 2023

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ISBN 978-614-469-810-5

Hiya fi qasa'idah

Nizar Qabbani - 2023

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ISBN 978-614-01-3600-7

Shams al-yaum al-thamin

Ibrahim Nasrallah - 2023

riwaya yasmahu li-l-kibar bi-qira'atha...
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ISBN 9789770937648

Jarima fi-l-jami'a

Ezzedine Choukri Fishere -

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Kitab al-akhlaqwa as-sayar au risala fi mudaliwat an-nusus

Ibn Hazm -

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ISBN 9783962021160


Lateefa Boti - 2023

Illustrationen von Doha Al-Kateeb, zweisprachig Arabisch-Deutsch...
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ISBN 9786140322844

Suwar wa hikayat min dhakira jaddi

Fatima Sharaf Al-Din - 2023

Illustrationen von Hasan Juni, geeignet für 9 - 11 Jahre. Wenn mein Großvater von früher erzählt, erzählt er von Berufen und Handwerken, die er noch kannte, die aber heute meist verschwunden sind....
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ISBN 9789922605418


Agota Kristof - 2023

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ISBN 978-9931-9748-5-7


al-Sadiq Haj Ahmad -

Qiyama shitat as-sahra' riwaya Drought tackles a new subject in the Arabic novel: the fate of the Tuareg, who fled their lands after the 1973 drought which hit the Sahara in the north of Mali, and headed towards southern Algeria and Libya, settling in refugee camps there....
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ISBN 978-9938-886-53-5

Al-Shayatin (I-II)

Fjodor Dostojewski -

Die Dämonen, 2 Bände...
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ISBN 9789953582894



Humirus -

The Odyssey...
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ISBN 978-9953-26-807-1

Disney Ala'addin

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ISBN 9788848245988

Qarsan al-Internet

Geronimo Stilton -

Pirate Internet...
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ISBN 978-9953-89-746-2

Abraj min waraq

Sa'id Redwani - 2023

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ISBN 978-9948-00-978-8

al-Islam as-siyasi fi Suriya

Redwan Ziyadah -

Dirasat istratijiya 137...
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ISBN 978-9953-89-744-8

Ala firash al-hayat

Sara al-Nams - 2023

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ISBN 978-12-5591-016-9

Maqam al-kurd

Maha Hassan - 2023

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ISBN 9789957947118

al-Sina'at wa-l-harf fi janub bilad al-sham

Taha Hasan al-Zaarir -

fi al-'asrain al-ayubi wa-l-mamluki (al-urdun wa filastin) 569-923 h. 1173-1515 m....
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ISBN 9782721452757

Aqwal al-shuyukh hikam aba' al-barriya

Al-Ab Kamil Hashimah al-Yasu'i -

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ISBN 9782721451224

al-Qaddis Ighnatius di Loyola al-dhikrayat al-shakhsiyya

Ignatius -

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ISBN 9782721453914



Augustus -

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ISBN 9789189464575

Ketab rahenma baraye abar qahremanan

Handbok for Superhjältar Del 7 Tillbaka

Elias und Agnes Vahlund - 2023

Farsi edition Bakhshe haftom: Baz gesht...
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ISBN 9789189464605



Ulf Kvensler - 2023

The Swedish Academy of Crime Writers Award 2022...
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ISBN 978-91-89464-62-9

Lughz al-musiqa


Martin Widmark - 2023

Illustrationen Helena Willis...
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ISBN 978-91-89464-47-6

Shajaratu as-snowbari

Lisen Adbage - 2023

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ISBN 978-91-89464-40-0



Lisen Adbage - 2023

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ISBN 978-91-89464-48-3

Derekht-e kaj


Lisen Adbage - 2023

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ISBN 9786144690598

Akbar Sijin ala al-ard

Ilan Pappé -

Sardiya jadida li-tarikh al-aradi al-muhtalla...
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ISBN 9789953897530

Al-Nakba al-mustamirra

Elias Khoury - 2023

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ISBN 9789953897578


Samah Idriss - 2023

rusum: Maya Fadawi...
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ISBN 9789953897493

Kaifa nuhafiz ala salama uqulina fi asrin munqasim

Elif Shafak - 2023

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ISBN 9786140322745

Ajnihatu Adam

Rami Tawil - 2023

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ISBN 9786140322516

Shakl al-ma'

Andrea Camilleri - 2024

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ISBN 9786140322912

Ughniyat li-l-atma

Iman Humaidan - 2023

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ISBN 9781255910138

Nahru al-ghazal

Basma al-Khatib - 2023

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Zaman al-yasar al-jadid

Fawaz Trabulsi - 2023

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ISBN 9789957395162

mumarrat hashsha

Atef Abu Saif - 2023

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Wladimir Sorokin - 2023

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Sirr al-muriski

Muhammad al-Ajami -

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ISBN 9789921775839


Yasunari Kawabata -

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ISBN 9786140322448


Badriya al-Badri -

longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. Foumbi is set in Congo under Belgian colonial rule between the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. According to African legend, the white man is a “foumbi”, a spirit or ghost, fleeing from the grasp of Satan after stealing the ghost’s colour....
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ISBN 9786140322301

al-Wajh al-akhar li-l-dhill

Rashid al-Daif - 2022

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. After being touched by a cloud, the Queen suddenly becomes pregnant. The King has not been near her since he married her, and now the prophecy he once saw in a dream is being fulfilled: she will give birth to a boy who is not fathered by the king, who will one day inherit the throne....
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ISBN 9789947561027

Asifa ala al-juzr

Ahmad Mannur -

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. Storm over the Islands. Mustapha bin Saeed is seconded to teach Natural Sciences on the Comoros Islands and finds himself in a teaching faculty akin to a micro-United Nations, with teachers from Arab countries, Europe, Africa and America....
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ISBN 9789778063240

Muqamira ala sharaf al-lady mitsi

Ahmad al-Mursi - 2023

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. Gambling on the Honour of Lady Mitsy transports us back to the beginning of the last century in Egypt through the captivating stories of four people who meet at a racecourse....
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ISBN 9789776633599

Khatam Sulaima

Rima Baly -

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. Unfolding across Aleppo and Toledo, the novel tells the interwoven stories of half Spanish, half Jewish photographer Lucas and Syrian protagonist Selma....
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ISBN 9789776633599

Khatam Sulaima

Rima Baly -

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. Unfolding across Aleppo and Toledo, the novel tells the interwoven stories of half Spanish, half Jewish photographer Lucas and Syrian protagonist Selma....
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ISBN 9789938979204

Qari'a nahj ad-dabbaghin

Sufyan Rajab - 2023

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. Leila’s passion for reading leads her to Tanners’ Alley in Tunis, famed for selling of old books. There she encounters an eccentric man who dreams of founding an association for ghostwriters....
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ISBN 9786144722398

Bahabal Makka Multiverse 1945-2009

Raja Alem -

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. The Al-Sardars are a typical example of an ancient and noble family in Makkah. Into this family, where the father controls every aspect of their lives, a child is born – Abbas (Bahbel) – as one of a pair of twins; yet the midwife says the other twin has ‘disappeared’....
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ISBN 9781784812454

Sami'tu kull shay'

Sarah al-Sarraf -

Longlist International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2024. I Heard Everything has two narrative voices: Ishtar, a young girl who lost her parents in an accident and documents her thoughts in a diary; and her maternal aunt Aida, a journalist, who has a love affair with her boss, Abbas....
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al-Rihla ila al-Islam

Murad Wilfried Hofmann -

Yaumiyat diplumasi almani 1961-2000...
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ISBN 9789953537504

al-Azraq al-mustahil yalihu akhbar Laila Majnun

Qasim Hadad -

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